Learnig Master from District 51

Led by Past International President Pat Johnson, Learning Masters will work hand-in-hand with the development team as representatives of the membership at large. They will:
  • Share their experience of learning through Toastmasters
  • Provide input about what they would like to see in a Revitalized Education Program
  • Validate assumptions of learning ideas and tools as the project progresses
  • Be the first to try out the updated program as beta testers
The Learning Masters team was planned to include 280 volunteers — 20 from each region.
More than 3,100 applications were received. The selection process was highly competitive and many qualified applicants could not be selected because of the limited number of available positions.
The selection committee chose members of varying education levels, leadership experience, time in Toastmasters and professional backgrounds. The wide-ranging experiences of these Learning Masters will help ensure the development of the revitalized education program takes into consideration the needs of all members.

Learning Masters will complete the following activities:
  • Answer monthly 5- to 10-minute surveys regarding educational materials
  • Respond to questions posted monthly on an online discussion board
  • Share information on how communication and leadership skills are developed in your club
  • Visit at least three clubs to observe differences in how members learn
Throughout the course of the project, this webpage will be updated with details about the work the Learning Masters are doing. In the coming months, profiles of the selected Learning Masters will be posted, so you can learn more about the representatives from your region.

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